In this area of school life, learn how to help those less fortunate than yourself.
This is an area where every child can participate and gives us all an opportunity to feel good about ourselves and the impact we can have on other people’s lives.
Over the years we have raised invaluable amounts of money for many charities. Here are just a few of those charities:
1. Goal = An Irish organisation and friend of Blakestown Community School. We have collected over €10,000 for this organisation through Jersey Day, an event where we wear a jersey of choice instead of our uniform.
2. St. Vincent De Paul = We have actively supported our local branch of this organisation each year with the Christmas Giving Tree and also with cash raised from annual raffles.
3. Children’s Hospitals = We have raised money for the hospitals through cake sales and various other activities.
4. The Simon Community = Through the years we have supported the homeless of Dublin through this charity
5. Meningitis Ireland Research Foundation = We have raised much needed funds for this foundation through a collection of used and broken mobile phones.
6. Team Hope = Every year at Christmas we take part in the Christmas Shoe Box Appeal that collects gifts for children worldwide who have nothing.
Social Development is an area of school life where every student and teacher alike can make a difference to the lives of others. Subjects like C.S.P.E. and Religion provide us the opportunity to explore issues of social justice and open our eyes to world issues that affect humanity